Blog Posts

Protecting Yourself from a SCAM

Protecting Yourself from a SCAM

Many Americans have taken steps in recent years to protect their personal information, but savvy cybercrooks have overcome some of those defenses. If you have not taken measures to protect yourself, it may be a good idea to consider your options.

When the Fed Talks Inflation, Bond Investors Listen

When the Fed Talks Inflation, Bond Investors Listen

In August of 2020, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell announced a change in how the Fed views inflation. In the past, the Fed said it would consider adjusting short-term rates when inflation approached 2 percent. But in light of 2020’s many challenges, the Fed’s new policy may allow inflation to run above 2 percent for a period of time before any shift in monetary policy is considered.

Do Your Emotions Control Your Money?

Do Your Emotions Control Your Money?

By Marc C. Shaffer

One question real estate agents often pose to sellers is, “How emotionally attached are you to this house?” The reason they ask is because when emotions are at play during negotiations, they can cast a shadow over a good deal and hurt the seller in the end.

Perhaps your children grew up in the home and you’re saying goodbye to the memories, not just the structure.

Perhaps you inherited a home from a grandparent, so you value it more than other properties.

Although it may not be easy, a house is an asset that could have the ability to set you up for your next move or investment, so taking away the emotion (as much as you can) could mean being ready to accept a different offer than one you might accept with emotions in the way.

How Will Political Changes Affect the Economy?

How Will Political Changes Affect the Economy?

With all of the storm and stress of the year 2020, you’d be forgiven if you momentarily forgot that we’re due for another national election in November.

Many states will be selecting governors, representatives, and senators, while the country itself will be voting in the presidential election.

However, now that the major party presidential tickets have been solidified, we will likely be hearing more and more political discussion in the coming months.

How are you feeling these days?

Financial Planning Through Infertility: Where to Start?

Financial Planning Through Infertility: Where to Start?

By Marc C. Shaffer

I’ve heard figures ranging from the $20ks to $100k. I’ve had friends who likened their experience to the cost of buying a used car, and others who are closer to the cost of buying a house. These are the figures that it’s costing people with infertility to try and have a baby and everyone’s circumstance is unique, so you may find yourself anywhere along this financial spectrum.

The Danger of the “Someday” Promise

The Danger of the “Someday” Promise

By Marc C. Shaffer

“Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow.” -Gerald Vaughan

It is a fact in my life that as the years go on, I get busier, things get more complicated, and time shrinks. I have to be very strict with my time, going as far as adding ‘call this friend’ and ‘schedule a trip’ and ‘buy new running shoes’ reminders on my calendar.

I don’t want to get so busy that I miss these things, but I also know the important things take time so I make it a point to schedule time so they happen.

I envy people who schedule these things for Someday. Where is that on the calendar? Why don’t I have a Someday??