Category: Investments

Flowchart – What Will Have the Least Tax Impact: Harvesting Capital Gains or Roth Conversions?

Flowchart – What Will Have the Least Tax Impact: Harvesting Capital Gains or Roth Conversions?

Many people often have outsized positions due to appreciation and large pre-tax retirement accounts. You may be looking to reduce portfolio risk and protect gains now, while also aiming to reduce your future income tax burden. Roth conversions and harvesting capital gains are two effective financial strategies that can achieve these goals; however, they accelerate income tax costs. There are current tax consequences associated with each strategy, and the issue becomes whether to accelerate ordinary income, capital gains, or a combination thereof.

Is Your HSA a Tool in Your Investment Arsenal? How an HSA Can Help You Invest for the Future

Is Your HSA a Tool in Your Investment Arsenal? How an HSA Can Help You Invest for the Future

By Marc C. Shaffer

A triple tax-advantaged account that many overlook, a Health Savings Account (HSA) is an account for individuals with high deductibles to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to cover qualified medical expenses. If you are able to cover most medical expenses out of pocket, a high deductible health insurance plan may work for you while allowing you to invest through your HSA for tax-free growth.*

Do Our Biases Affect Our Financial Choices?

Do Our Biases Affect Our Financial Choices?

Investors are routinely warned about allowing their emotions to influence their decisions. However, they are not often cautioned that their preconceptions and biases may color their financial choices.

In a battle between the facts & biases, our biases may win, especially when we don’t realize we have them. If we acknowledge this tendency, we may be able to avoid making unexamined choices when it comes to personal finance. It may actually “pay” to recognize blind spots and biases with investing.

Here are some common examples of bias creeping into our financial lives.

Comics, Collectibles, and Coping with the Market

Comics, Collectibles, and Coping with the Market

Rare collectibles can provide an entertaining form of alternative “investment,” and might seem particularly intriguing when markets are wobblier than Aunt Gertrude’s jello salad. Comic books can sell for millions of dollars, for example, depending on their rarity and condition. We’ve seen a copy of Detective Comics #27 (the first appearance of Batman) sell at $1.5 million.

Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor

Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor

High net worth investors face investment challenges that some would consider unique to their financial status. The fundamental tenets of investing apply equally to them as with any other investor, but the affluent investor needs to be mindful of issues that typically arise only from substantial wealth.

The Allure of Individual Stocks to the Average Investor

The Allure of Individual Stocks to the Average Investor

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s a colloquial saying we’ve heard many times, and it’s an important one when it comes to your investment strategy. We know diversification makes good sense and can help you reach your long-term goals. But occasionally, a certain stock will come along that can make you throw disciplined investment principles out the window. Sometimes, the allure of individual stocks is just too attractive to the average investor.

Perfect Timing Doesn’t Equal Perfect Results

Perfect Timing Doesn’t Equal Perfect Results

By Marc C. Shaffer

Skip the bad days? It sounds like a great concept.

How many of you would choose to skip right over 2020? If only we all had perfect foresight – both in life and with finances.

Here’s one thing we know about investment markets: in election years, years where we experience a pandemic, years that are filled with big news and years that are calm…they fluctuate.

Short Term Savings Goals: Where Should I Be Saving?

Short Term Savings Goals: Where Should I Be Saving?

By Marc C. Shaffer

Retirement. It is arguably one of the most talked about “goals” people save for, so much so, that short term goals can often get overlooked. Short term and long-term goals are not the same and treating them the same could mean some important considerations might be missed.