Checklist: What Issues Should I Consider When Dealing with High Inflation?

High inflation has been on everyone’s mind, and you may be wondering what you can do to take action.

What Issues Should I Consider When Dealing with High Inflation? will help you explore ways to address high inflation and set your financial expectations appropriately.

This checklist covers key issues to consider when dealing with periods of high inflation, such as:

  • The impact inflation may have on your cash flow and budgeting.
  • The effects of inflation on your assets, and solutions that may be considered to mitigate those effects.
  • Certain tax planning ideas that may be relevant in light of high inflation.
  • Other miscellaneous areas of your financial plan that may be affected by high inflation.

If you are thinking about or nearing retirement, check out our blog, “Big Retirement Questions: What if Inflation is High?

If you are concerned about how to factor inflation into your financial planning, please contact our team any time.

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Published for the blog on June 14, 2022 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.