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Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits as a Surviving Spouse?

Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits as a Surviving Spouse?

Social Security survivor benefits present an important source of income for many. But, there are several important and unique issues that must be considered for anyone that has recently lost their spouse or ex-spouse, before filing a claim to collect Social Security benefits.

To help make the analysis easier, check out our flowchart, “Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits as a Surviving Spouse?” It addresses many common Social Security issues that arise for those who have recently lost their spouse or ex-spouse, including:

Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits as a Spouse?

Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits as a Spouse?

Under Social Security, spousal benefits present an important source of income for many individuals. But, there are several important factors and issues that must be considered. Determinations regarding available benefits and timing can be difficult.

To help make the analysis easier, check out our “Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits as a Spouse?” flowchart. It helps answer the question by looking at these common issues:

Will My Social Security Benefits Be Reduced?

Will My Social Security Benefits Be Reduced?

Claiming Social Security benefits can be one of the more complicated topics to understand. There are a multitude of rules that can have a significant and lasting impact on your future income stream and overall financial picture.

To help make this analysis easier, check out our flowchart, “Will My Social Security Benefits Be Reduced?” It is based on the Social Security Administration’s retirement benefits information, and addresses common issues including:

Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits if I Have Been Divorced?

Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits if I Have Been Divorced?

Social Security benefits can be confusing if you are divorced. There are several important and unique issues that must be considered before filing a claim to collect Social Security benefits.

To help make the analysis easier, check out our flowchart, “Am I Eligible For Social Security Benefits If I Have Been Divorced?” It addresses these common Social Security issues that arise for those who have experienced a divorce, including:

Do Our Biases Affect Our Financial Choices?

Do Our Biases Affect Our Financial Choices?

Investors are routinely warned about allowing their emotions to influence their decisions. However, they are not often cautioned that their preconceptions and biases may color their financial choices.

In a battle between the facts & biases, our biases may win, especially when we don’t realize we have them. If we acknowledge this tendency, we may be able to avoid making unexamined choices when it comes to personal finance. It may actually “pay” to recognize blind spots and biases with investing.

Here are some common examples of bias creeping into our financial lives.

Comics, Collectibles, and Coping with the Market

Comics, Collectibles, and Coping with the Market

Rare collectibles can provide an entertaining form of alternative “investment,” and might seem particularly intriguing when markets are wobblier than Aunt Gertrude’s jello salad. Comic books can sell for millions of dollars, for example, depending on their rarity and condition. We’ve seen a copy of Detective Comics #27 (the first appearance of Batman) sell at $1.5 million.