Senior Care Consulting: Expert Guidance for Your Loved Ones

By Marc C. Shaffer

As we plan for our financial future, it’s crucial to consider the care required of ourselves and our aging loved ones, which means having a plan for housing beyond a personal home, if the need arises. The decision to move into a senior care facility, understanding the different levels of care and finding the place that will provide the best support can be challenging tasks. Having a resource to guide you through this decision-making process could help ease the burden.

Senior Care Consulting, led by Steve Kuker, offers expertise in navigating the complex world of senior care options. You may have heard him speak on his nationally syndicated radio program, “Senior Care Live,” which he has hosted since 2013.

Senior Care Consulting’s primary focus is ensuring proper care for your loved ones. They assist families by:

  1. Evaluating seniors’ needs comprehensively
  2. Meeting clients at convenient locations to discuss current situations and future requirements
  3. Accompanying clients on senior care community tours
  4. Conducting thorough 49-point inspections and performance audits of facilities
  5. Asking crucial questions to ensure the best placement decisions

Senior Care Consulting promises a fiduciary approach. Like a buyer’s agent in real estate, they work exclusively for you and your family. They do not accept remuneration from senior care facilities, ensuring objectivity in their recommendations.

Their expertise covers a range of care options, including:

  • Assisted living
  • Memory care
  • Long-term care
  • Continuing care retirement communities

One of the most common questions families face is: “When is the right time to consider moving from home to a senior care community?” While the need is sometimes obvious, oftentimes it’s a gradual process. Senior Care Consulting suggests considering the following questions:

  1. Are there safety-related issues in the current living situation?
  2. Is the caregiver’s health beginning to decline?
  3. Has the cost of in-home care become too expensive?
  4. Can you no longer keep up with the increasing demands of providing care yourself?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, it might be time to discuss moving your loved one(s) to a senior care community. This decision is never easy, but having expert guidance can make the process smoother and help ensure the best outcome for your loved one.

For those interested in staying informed about senior care options or if you have additional questions, consider contacting Senior Care Consulting’s team of experts. They can provide personalized guidance and help you navigate this important transition.  You can also sign up for Senior Care Consulting’s newsletter to educate yourself long before any moving decisions are considered.  As you plan for the future, remember that expert guidance can make all the difference in ensuring the best care for your family members.


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Published for the blog on October 30, 2024 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.