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Can I Get Ahead Financially in an Over-Inflated World?

Can I Get Ahead Financially in an Over-Inflated World?

By Marc C. Shaffer

I was talking with a friend recently who has lost quite a bit of weight. We were talking about the process and how it differed from their past experiences. They had spent many years fighting the ups and downs of fad diets and lose-weight-quick gimmicks. It wasn’t until they embraced a steady process that required small habit changes that made a huge difference over time that they were able to find success that was lasting.

This concept can also be applied to building wealth. It would be great to have a get-rich-quick shot, but it doesn’t exist (unless you know something I don’t!) House prices seem outrageous, grocery bills keep rising and the extras cost more and more. What is there to do? If the current economic landscape makes you feel like you’ll never get ahead, keep reading.

The FIRE Retirement Method

If the idea of retiring in your early 50s, 40s, 30s, or even late 20s appeals to you, you may be interested in joining the FIRE retirement movement. Designed for those who have the discipline and cash flow to save diligently, FIRE can be an effective path toward...

The FIRE Retirement Method

The FIRE Retirement Method

If the idea of retiring in your early 50s, 40s, 30s, or even late 20s appeals to you, you may be interested in joining the FIRE retirement movement. Designed for those who have the discipline and cash flow to save diligently, FIRE can be an effective path toward living a work-optional lifestyle. In this article, we will discuss what FIRE is and whether or not it may be right for you.

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

By Marc Shaffer Spring is here – the time of awakening and starting fresh – hence the reason we also start to think about spring cleaning. Now typically, this could mean tidying a garage that was stuffed with all the yard items from last summer or scrubbing areas of...

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

By Marc Shaffer

Spring is here – the time of awakening and starting fresh – hence the reason we also start to think about spring cleaning. Now typically, this could mean tidying a garage that was stuffed with all the yard items from last summer or scrubbing areas of our house we often ignore. But now would also be a great time to think about spring cleaning your finances.

Are you ready to rethink some budget items, get your affairs in order and start fresh for the rest of the year and beyond with a spruced up financial focus?

Countdown to College – Steps to Consider Each Year of High School

Countdown to College – Steps to Consider Each Year of High School

As a parent, you of course want to give your child the best opportunity for success, and for many, attending the “right” university or college is that opportunity. Additionally, the earlier you consider how you expect to pay for college costs, the better.

Today, the average college graduate owes $28,950 in debt, while the average salary for a recent graduate is $55,360.

Preparing for college means setting goals, staying focused, and tackling a few key milestones along the way—starting in the first year of high school.