Blog Posts

Navigating Financial Changes in Anticipation  of Your Upcoming Retirement

Navigating Financial Changes in Anticipation of Your Upcoming Retirement

By Marc C. Shaffer

For many, a new year means a fresh financial start. For those nearing retirement, it means another day closer to a momentous transition. Whether you have your retirement date circled on the 2024 calendar or coming up in the next few years, the new year can be a great time to get your financial ducks in a row and make sure you’re checking the right boxes before the big change.

Safeguarding Your Finances While Guiding a Boomerang Child

Safeguarding Your Finances While Guiding a Boomerang Child

By Marc C. Shaffer

The idea of a “boomerang” generation has been around for a long time, but a new economic situation could be fueling another wave of boomerangers. Sure, there are still children who graduate and move back in with their parents right away. But while many adults are still recovering from pandemic-era job loss and financial recovery, the housing situation of low inventory, high prices and high interest rates is not helping. This could cause children of any age to boomerang right back into the nest.

September is College Savings Month

September is College Savings Month

By John Fales

Did you know September is College Savings Month? A great reminder to consider how saving for college (or any education) fits into your overall financial plan. There are steps you can take to help ease the burden of education costs and many you can start at any age.

Legacy Planning When Heirs are Imperfect

Legacy Planning When Heirs are Imperfect

Passing your estate to an heir with credit problems, a shaky marriage, a gambling or alcohol addiction, or any other concerning situation might not only lead to that wealth being squandered, but the inheritance could worsen destructive behaviors.

Of course, you don’t want to disinherit your child(ren) simply because of their personal challenges. There are potential solutions that allow parents to control and incentivize behaviors long after they are gone, helping ensure that a troubled child’s inheritance won’t be misused.

You do not want to avoid or delay creating a plan hoping that your heir’s issue will go away. This could result in you passing before any plans have been set and the inheritance could be given without restrictions.