Blog Posts

Why Women Need to Take an Active Role in their Family Finances

Why Women Need to Take an Active Role in their Family Finances

By Jessica Searcy Kmetty

There is a confidence “gap” when it comes to women taking charge of their finances, and the lack of confidence and action could leave women vulnerable in many situations.

Over half of American women say they have no idea where to begin when it comes to taking an active role in their financial decision making and only about 20% report feeling prepared to make wise financial decisions.

A wave of empowerment is running through mainstream media these days. Women are preaching to the younger generations to NOT let a partner control the financial decisions, not rely on a partner or parent for money, and to take an active role in the financial management of their family. With increasing lifespans, higher divorce rates and women not marrying as often, more than 80% of women may face being solely responsible for their own financial wellbeing.

The Benefits of a Professional Estate Sale: Redeeming Time and Managing Emotions

The Benefits of a Professional Estate Sale: Redeeming Time and Managing Emotions

By Dena Fischer

When my parents died within four months of each other I was left reeling by the loss, and I also knew there would be a lot to handle. Before they passed, I knew that I would inherit the house we had moved into when I was 15 years old; a lovely ranch with a full basement, next door to a horse farm. In the “country,” but just minutes from grocery stores, banks, post office and restaurants.

It was also full of stuff accumulated over a lifetime and needed a drastic update.

Creating a Life Plan for Your Child with Special Needs

Creating a Life Plan for Your Child with Special Needs

By Jessica Searcy Kmetty

Estate Planning looks different for parents who have a child with special needs.

The Life Plan

For many, Estate Planning involves directing assets to be disbursed in a way that benefits those we leave behind. You might have a simple Will or you might create a Trust to have more flexibility. If you have a child with special needs, your estate plan may be designed to provide for their needs without disqualifying them from government benefits.

Taking care of the formalities are essential, but as a parent, how can you be assured that your child will lead as full and complete a life as possible after you die?

Talking About Finances Isn’t Taboo: How Staying Quiet Could Hurt You

Talking About Finances Isn’t Taboo: How Staying Quiet Could Hurt You

By Jessica Searcy Kmetty

Whether you’re talking about finances as a couple, as a family, or with a financial advisor, the situation can feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.

Chances are, finances weren’t talked about in your house growing up. For many, discussing such things was considered taboo, so it’s hard to start a conversation now about something you just don’t have experience talking about.

But, staying quiet about finances could hurt you.

Balancing Work and a Special Needs Child

Balancing Work and a Special Needs Child

By Jessica Searcy Kmetty

Finding a great job is not always easy, and it can be even harder for a parent who is juggling responsibilities of caring for a child with special needs.

In the 2019/2020 school year, there were 7.28 million disabled 3 to 21 year olds in the United States who were covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). According to the US Census Bureau Report, 2 in 7 households report having at least one member with a disability and one in every 26 American families reported raising a child with a disability.

With regulations in place prohibiting employers from asking certain interview or health-related questions, you may wonder how much information you should openly share with an employer or a perspective employer.

Prioritizing Health Over Wealth Benefits Both

Prioritizing Health Over Wealth Benefits Both

By Marc Shaffer

Our health is one of the most important things we have in life. It is vital for our ability to live – not to just be alive, but to actually LIVE.

There are many ways in which our health and wellness needs can be met, and the route you choose may be a mix of traditional and alternative medicines, exercises and practices.

Several studies have looked into the emotional and physical benefits of touch. How important is physical touch to you? In our isolated world, we might not realize how important physical touch is until we’ve been without it for some time. In fact, physical touch is designated as one of the five “Love Languages.”

Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor

Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor

High net worth investors face investment challenges that some would consider unique to their financial status. The fundamental tenets of investing apply equally to them as with any other investor, but the affluent investor needs to be mindful of issues that typically arise only from substantial wealth.