Blog Posts

Getting Started With Searcy

Embarking on your financial planning journey with any firm requires trust, and at Searcy Financial, we value and honor the trust our clients place in us. Here's how we make getting started with us feel like a seamless transition: Schedule an Introductory Session:...

In The Community

"Giving back is a big part of what we do as a team. Not only do we get the opportunity to serve our community, but it also serves as valuable time away from work where we build relationships with one another." - Marc Shaffer, Principal Each quarter, by consensus vote,...

Benchmarking Investment Performance

Benchmarking Investment Performance

By: Michael J. Searcy

You’ve already hit three home runs for the season—sounds like a great record right? Well, that depends. Are you playing Little League ball, or batting in the major leagues? The truth is, numbers can tell whatever story you want them to tell if they’re not being measured against appropriate comparative benchmarks.

Benchmarks—statistical measures of, among other things, inputs, outputs and performance. They’re one of the best indicators of how well your financial portfolio is performing against the market, but many investors are often confused by the numbers. Some financial professionals are quick to promote their performance numbers against well-known indicators like the S&P 500 index or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, especially when their numbers far out-perform the standard. However, oftentimes you’ll find these quoted benchmarks have little similarity to the allocation of your portfolio.

4 Steps To Determine If 401k Is Broken

By: Jessica Kmetty 4 Questions to Help Determine: Is My 401(k) Plan Broken? Most plan sponsors really don't know when their plan is broken and they don't know the questions to ask to find out. Plan Sponsors: Ask yourself the four questions below. If you can't answer...

4 Guiding Points for Special Needs Caregivers

4 Guiding Points for Special Needs Caregivers

By: Michael J. Searcy

When working with caregivers to dependents with special needs, I hear over and over, “The information is available, but making sense of everything is overwhelming!” Caregivers want to keep the hope that their dependent will become a highly functioning individual, so the wait-and-see approach often wins over diving into the details and worrying over creating a long-term plan. On top of the multitude of health concerns caregivers face, the thought of creating lifetime financial assistance for their dependents can be a challenging responsibility that can get pushed to the backburner. While rushing decisions may not be in the best interest of a caregiver, there are steps to be taken that provide a solid start toward preparing for the future.

7 Lessons To Teach Your Children About Money

7 Lessons To Teach Your Children About Money

By: Jessica Kmetty

To send a child off into the “real world” without teaching him or her how to be smart about money is to set that child up for failure. So when is the right time to begin teaching your children about money? Put a one-dollar bill in your left hand and a $100 bill in your right hand. Then ask your child which one he or she wants. Children who are knowledgeable enough to know that the $100 bill is the one to go for are ready to start learning about money.

Searcy’s Internship Program

Searcy’s Internship Program

Finding your place in the financial industry can be an overwhelming task. There are a multitude of position types available and you don’t want to waste years determining which one is right for you. We believe internships should be structured to give students a day-to-day glimpse into what it takes to work for an independent RIA firm. This means you do more than just make coffee…a lot more!

Social Security: Don’t Leave Money on the Table

Social Security: Don’t Leave Money on the Table

By: Marc C. Shaffer

Have you considered how social security fits into your retirement plan? Social Security is an important factor when determining the amount of income you will have in retirement, but it is also a factor that causes confusion for many. With so many questions surrounding Social Security, such as when to start receiving benefits, the ins and outs of filing and suspending, survivor benefits and how to supplement your Social Security income, making the decision that works best for you can be a challenge. Working with an advisor who can walk you through the process may help you maximize your Social Security benefits. Without help, you may be leaving money on the table.