Blog Posts

Leadership: The ‘Art’ of Retirement Plans

Leadership: The ‘Art’ of Retirement Plans

By: Jessica Kmetty

As employees become more educated about issues associated with retirement plans in America, they look to their employer for the answers and guidance. Business owners are being challenged more than ever to provide efficient, cost-effective retirement plans and the guidance to help their employees reach a dignified retirement. With the time associated with running a plan, employers who don’t have help may find these challenges hard to meet. And, even if they delegate the management of their retirement program to an employee or designate a financial advisor to help with the management, they are still the figurehead from whom employees will demand answers. To face these challenges, they must act as leaders, gain their employees’ trust, and help them utilize their retirement plan to reach their goals.

3 Ways You Can Treat Your Retirement Like a Business

3 Ways You Can Treat Your Retirement Like a Business

By: Michael J. Searcy

Using money you’ve worked hard to earn on your business makes sense. While other people are spending money on new cars or vacations, you hardly miss the funds you spend on your business because the prize at the end of the spending tunnel is in sight. You can see how the funds are helping to reach your goal of building a successful business.

Treating your retirement fund like another business is a strategy that can help set you up for future success. Payments you make today toward your retirement are funds that can be saved and invested to experience the benefit in the future. Think about why you own your business… Chances are you find joy in watching your business grow, and you expect it to provide a future payoff or benefit after years of dedication and hard work.

3 Tips to Help Overcome Turbulence on Your Journey to Retirement

3 Tips to Help Overcome Turbulence on Your Journey to Retirement

By Michael J. Searcy

Every journey you take on an airplane comes with about a 0.0001 percent chance that you won’t arrive at your final destination. With such a small percentage for failure, it’s no surprise people feel secure flying all over the world, every day. Now what if you boarded a plane and the flight attendant came over the speaker saying, “The Federal Aviation Administration has requested we inform you there is now an 85 percent chance of flight failure”? I’m picturing people scrambling for their luggage and pushing their way through the aisles and off the plane.

5 Financial Questions to Discuss with your Aging Parents

5 Financial Questions to Discuss with your Aging Parents

By: Michael J. Searcy

Being prepared for the unexpected may not be high on your priority list. There are people who would have trouble locating their breaker box if the power went out, the fire extinguisher if cooking dinner took a wrong turn, or the car jack if they popped a tire. However, these situations produce immediate emergencies that could easily be overcome with a little preparation. The same goes for health or other issues that may affect the financial situation of your aging parents. These 5 questions can help you when approaching your parents about their financial well-being and discussing their wants and wishes.

Tips for Retiring In Your Job, Not From Your Job

Tips for Retiring In Your Job, Not From Your Job

By: Michael J. Searcy

Picturing a snapshot of life in retirement might bring to mind images of gardening, grandchildren, relaxing on a beach and golfing – the images of activities people enjoy. The attraction of retirement is having the time to do what you enjoy, time for your hobbies. However, for many doctors, their job is their hobby. They love what they do, the skills they use, the people they meet, and the feeling of accomplishment. Retiring for them means the loss of a hobby, not a chance to gain new ones. Retirement means losing the opportunity to do something they love. If you love what you do, is work really work? Is there a way to retire in your job, not from your job?

A Financial Second Opinion for Physicians and Medical Professionals

A Financial Second Opinion for Physicians and Medical Professionals

By: Michael J. Searcy

Just as a misdiagnosis can occur with your physical health, the same can happen with your financial health. Financial setbacks can be a challenge to overcome, and the longer you travel down the wrong path, the more difficult it becomes to get back on track. By seeking a second opinion on your financial plan, you may be able to catch those misguided turns and make the changes necessary to reach a successful financial future.

If you starting working with an advisor early in your career and haven’t looked at the options available to you today, you may not be aware of the industry changes, competitive standards and technology updates that have helped advisors advance their level of service and care. You may also be facing new life and age situations that weren’t addressed in your original plan. In fact, you may have originally been set up with a “plan” filled with insurance and investment products that didn’t take into account other aspects of your life.

7 Keys to Financial Success

7 Keys to Financial Success

By: Marc C. Shaffer

It is easy to stray from basic, solid principles of finance. These remain true no matter what your age or circumstances. To make it easy, here are seven keys to fulfilling your financial vision of a steady tomorrow.
Consider each one closely. They should be ingrained in your brain. You need to continually read and practice them.

1. Pay yourself first. Make saving for your future a first priority, which you put before your other financial obligations. Put away as much as you can, and try to save at least 10% of your annual income (total, not take-home). Depending on your obligations, you may be able to save more or less. The more you save, the more wealth you create – but something is better than nothing.

7 Guidelines to Help Achieve Your Goals

7 Guidelines to Help Achieve Your Goals

By: Marc C. Shaffer

Happy, financially successful people set out concrete goals and work to achieve them. To start spending your time and money on things that really matter to you, create written goals based around what you value in life. To ensure that you won’t stray from your objectives, it is important to write them down.

Why are goals important?

1. They provide us with purpose and direction.

2. They help us convert our thoughts into concrete actions.

4 Financial Areas Where Small Steps Could Make a Big Difference

4 Financial Areas Where Small Steps Could Make a Big Difference

By: Michael J. Searcy

Some of the most important financial issues in our lives are never addressed because they feel too overwhelming to tackle. Our brains revert to thinking if we could just devote one day, one week, one month to accomplishing a task, it would instantly be complete. Because that thought process can set us up for failure, training our thoughts to work in a new process can be the advantage we need to accomplish our financial goals. By understanding that each small step is an accomplishment, we can focus on the overall picture. When it comes to being prepared and financially secure, even the slightest edge can set us far above the crowd. Here are some common issues and tips for achieving that slight edge:

Our Services

We offer: WEALTH PLANNING We look at your personal and financial goals, financial freedom (retirement) planning, estate and asset conservation and insurance and tax needs to deliver a plan that will help you acquire, grow and preserve your wealth. INVESTMENT...