Blog Posts

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part IV, Refiring Physically

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part IV, Refiring Physically

By Brenda Carrico

For some people, taking care of their physical wellbeing is a part of life, and for others, it’s one of the biggest challenges. If you’re the type of person who can balance the healthy versus unhealthy food you put in your body – hats off! You’re probably also that person we see riding your bike down the street, going for a walk, lifting weights, or taking a yoga class. Not everyone enjoys exercise, can motivate themselves to keep moving, or finds it easy to control a balanced diet.

Taking the Team Approach

Taking the Team Approach

By Michael J. Searcy

We often talk to people about how utilizing multiple financial advisors can lessen their chance for success. For example, one advisor could decide to trade out of an investment to take losses at the same time the other decides to buy into that same investment, creating a wash sale, and adverse tax consequences. Neither professional is at fault, they just didn’t realize what had occurred because they weren’t aware their client was working with multiple advisors. I started thinking about that concept differently and now want to tell you that you should work with multiple advisors, but, it’s not what you think!

Planning for 2020 with Updated Amounts and Adjustments from the IRS

Planning for 2020 with Updated Amounts and Adjustments from the IRS

We cannot stress enough the value that tax deferred savings brings to your retirement planning. It is one of the more powerful tools at your disposal.

To help prepare those of you who are still working, a summary of the 2020 Annual Benefit Plan Amounts, showing adjustments to dollar limitations on benefits from and contributions to qualified retirement plans, can be found at the end of this communication.

Why I Volunteer: Growing Futures Early Education Center

Why I Volunteer: Growing Futures Early Education Center

By Marc Shaffer

My involvement in the Centurions Leadership Program gave a broad overview of the KC metro and how everything connects; businesses, charities, education, etc. It led me to want to volunteer in my own backyard, where I live and work, in Overland Park.

I was first introduced to Growing Futures Early Education Center (then known as Head Start of Shawnee Mission) in 2014 when they applied as a beneficiary of the Overland Park South Rotary Club’s annual Jazz in the Woods event. Like many others in our community, I was surprised by the poverty in Johnson County. Did you know that based on 2017 census data, more than 30,000 residents are living in households with income at 100% of the federal poverty level? In 2019, for a family of four, that is an annual income of $25,750. Fortunately, in Johnson County, we have Growing Futures Early Education Center to assist vulnerable families with their mission of nurturing children and strengthening families to enrich the community.

Preparing for Extended Care

Preparing for Extended Care

Health insurance and health care spending are popular topics of conversation among Americans. Most households are eager to maintain the quality of the coverage they enjoy well into their retirement years. But preparing for extended care requires consideration and thoughtful preparation.

Downsizing Before Retirement

Downsizing Before Retirement

For those whom retirement is a long way off, it can represent a never-ending vacation, a time free of work and full of play. For others who are closer to retiring, their next chapter may represent an exciting season filled with new and meaningful contributions. Whatever your retirement plans may be, shrinking your domestic footprint may be an important aspect to consider, and you may be surprised why it matters. In this article, we’ll explore some reasons to downsize, and some smart strategies to consider that can help make sure your retired life is everything you’re hoping for.

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part IV, Refiring Physically

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part III, Refiring Intellectually

By Brenda Carrico

Are you still learning new things on a regular basis? Maybe you’re reading about a subject that you don’t know anything about, or you’ve joined an archeology club for example – credit to you!

Or, are you someone who doesn’t want to, nor feels like you should have to, learn anything new once you reach a certain age? If so, did you know that studies show if you force your brain to learn something unfamiliar that you may be able to stave off or even prevent memory loss and other cognitive issues?

In our industry, so that we can assist our clients with their changing needs as they transition through the different phases of life, we’re constantly learning about aging issues such as elder abuse and the impact that cognitive loss could potentially have on their futures. So, we are advocates for lifelong learning, especially if doing so can protect you against both elder abuse and cognitive decline.

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part II, Refiring Emotionally

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part II, Refiring Emotionally

By Brenda Carrico

Do you already schedule time for the most important people in your life? If your answer is yes, then kudos to you. However, if you’re not or you have found yourself faltering in this area lately, remind yourself that loneliness can undermine your physical and mental health.

Love is the Key! Through every stage of life, friendships come and go. The relationships often end with such ease that we barely notice the absence of those individuals in our lives. Sometimes though, our special friendships end for trivial reasons; you didn’t like who they were dating at the time, or they moved far away. You may not even remember why you quit talking.

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part II, Refiring Emotionally

Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part I, Series Intro

By Brenda Carrico

Refire, Don’t Retire: Getting Started

Does the word retire conjure up an image in your head of someone being put out to pasture or of someone slowly melting into a recliner never to be heard from again? If so, let’s join the movement to redefine the word and end the stereotypes surrounding what being a retiree truly means. The individuals on this crusade are writing blogs, books and creating groups to change how retirees are viewed by society and by themselves.

If you’re ready to embark upon this endeavor, we recommend you start by reading a book called “Refire! Don’t Retire: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life” by Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz. The book takes you on a journey of emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual renewal. We would like to take you on that same journey through this blog series and become a part of your “Re-firing Gang.”

Best Interest = More Confusion?

Best Interest = More Confusion?

By Michael J. Searcy

There has always been a divide in the financial industry between those who embrace fiduciary duty and those who skirt around it. It is a divide that can be nearly impossible for consumers to recognize and understand, leaving them exposed to potential harm depending on whose hands they find themselves in.

Am I working with an actual advisor or a salesperson? Is this person legally required to put my interests ahead of their own or are they suggesting something that’s good enough because it earns them a nice commission?