Why I Volunteer: The Giving Group KC

By Marc C. Shaffer

Consider this concept: A group of 100 people in a given location come together and donate $100. During their social, they decide which organization should receive the donation and they leave knowing that $10,000 will be donated to that cause.

This is the idea behind charitable giving groups across the nation, and I am a member of our local group, The Giving Group KC.

The Giving Group KC was founded by Ann Walter after hearing of the idea from some friends at a conference. A connector of others by nature, Ann knew that bringing friends together and combining their giving efforts could make a great impact. Our local club has a required donation of $100 each quarter. When we reach 100 members, we will be giving away $10,000 per quarter. 

At each gathering, we draw four random names from those attending the meeting who want to submit the name of a non-profit organization they are passionate about. Those nominators will give a brief (less than 5 minute) presentation followed by a brief Q&A about the organization that they have nominated for the impact grant. Once the presentations are done, those in attendance at that meeting vote on one of the organizations to receive the grant that quarter.

Giving GroupOne of my favorite parts about The Giving Group KC is that you never know which charity will receive the donation and I am exposed to organizations that I’ve never even heard about. There are so many charity organizations doing great things in the world, and many people choose to focus on a few that mean something to them. By being a part of this group, I hear stories from people that work with organizations focusing on a multitude of topics: children’s needs, homelessness, hunger, animal needs, etc.

This list includes some of the organizations that have received our impact grants. Check out each non-profit to see the good they are doing in the community:

To become a member of, or learn more about The Giving Group KC, visit www.givinggroupkc.com.

Giving Group Website – https://givinggroupkc.com/

Giving Group Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/tggkc

How to Sign Up – https://givinggroupkc.com/how-to-join/

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Published for the blog on November 30, 2020 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.