Category: Leadership & Personal Development

Gratitude: Does It Make You Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

Gratitude: Does It Make You Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

We are something other than what we imagine, something greater. We heed that mysterious calling—to connect ourselves with others. That’s the voice of gratitude. That’s why we say thank you.

Gratitude is not so much a moral obligation. It is a yearning to step beyond ourselves.

Gratitude links us to that raw precept expressed in President Lincoln’s sweeping, majestic prose in his first inaugural address: “…when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

Searcy’s Internship Program

Searcy’s Internship Program

Finding your place in the financial industry can be an overwhelming task. There are a multitude of position types available and you don’t want to waste years determining which one is right for you. We believe internships should be structured to give students a day-to-day glimpse into what it takes to work for an independent RIA firm. This means you do more than just make coffee…a lot more!