Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part IV, Refiring Physically

By Brenda Carrico

For some people, taking care of their physical wellbeing is a part of life, and for others, it’s one of the biggest challenges. If you’re the type of person who can balance the healthy versus unhealthy food you put in your body – hats off! You’re probably also that person we see riding your bike down the street, going for a walk, lifting weights, or taking a yoga class. Not everyone enjoys exercise, can motivate themselves to keep moving, or finds it easy to control a balanced diet.

For Part I, click HERE.

For Part II, click HERE.

For Part III, click HERE.

A Moment of Truth

Yes, it is absolutely easier to go through a drive-thru than it is to cook a meal. Yes, it’s hard to pass up that tempting piece of sugary comfort for a piece of fruit. Yes, it’s easier to fall into a comfy lounge chair rather than get out and exercise. But, are the easy choices you make now going to cost you in the future?

If you struggle with how you’re taking care of your body, maybe it is time to look beyond the mere act of eating or working out and pay attention to why you’re making the choices you make. Are you actually hungry when you eat? Are you actually tired when you’re sitting or lounging around? Or are you bored, depressed or lonely and it’s leading to emotional eating and lack of motivation?

Once you start to focus on the why and discover what it reveals, you can begin to work on the resolution. If you are eating because you are bored, then force yourself to go for a walk instead of eating. If you’re sad, call someone and ask them to meet you for coffee. The key is to break the old habits and develop new ones by doing things that divert your attention.

It’s time to refire physically!

Don’t be pressured into thinking retirement should look like all of the images we see associated with it every day. Couples strolling hand-in-hand along a pristine beach, playing wistfully with their grandchildren, gardening in their yards and volunteering… Many of these things are not a reality for everyone because as you age, you may have physical setbacks. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make taking care of yourself a priority in different ways. Here are some challenges to get you started:

CHALLENGE ONE: Identify ways that you can start eating healthier and exercising. Set a goal to eat at least one piece of fruit or a vegetable a day in lieu of that piece of chocolate. Find ways to incorporate exercise into your routine. You can do this in conjunction with one of your other goals – such as joining a group that goes walking if your goal is to make more friends or be social. Breaking old habits and developing new ones is never easy. Be kind to yourself and remember that no matter what your chronological age, it’s never too late to change and continue to become a better, younger version of yourself.

CHALLENGE TWO: If you’re dealing with an emotional or physical setback, as tough as it may be, develop a plan to help you keep moving forward. This may mean forcing yourself to leave the house when you’d rather sit in the dark in your safe recliner, so mark a day on your calendar next week for an outing. It may be pushing through physical therapy even when it hurts, so tell yourself before you begin that you won’t quit. Remember, staying physically fit could help reduce your recovery time from either a mental or physical condition.

CHALLENGE THREE: You say you hate exercising? Find a nontraditional way to get yourself moving by doing something you enjoy, such as gardening. Make a list of 10 activities that get you moving that you enjoy and don’t think of as exercise.

CHALLENGE FOUR: Change your thinking. Banish the mindset that you are burden on anyone – we’re all in this together.

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Published for the blog on December 30, 2019 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.