Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part III, Refiring Intellectually

By Brenda Carrico

Are you still learning new things on a regular basis? Maybe you’re reading about a subject that you don’t know anything about, or you’ve joined an archeology club for example – credit to you!

Or, are you someone who doesn’t want to, nor feels like you should have to, learn anything new once you reach a certain age? If so, did you know that studies show if you force your brain to learn something unfamiliar that you may be able to stave off or even prevent memory loss and other cognitive issues?

In our industry, so that we can assist our clients with their changing needs as they transition through the different phases of life, we’re constantly learning about aging issues such as elder abuse and the impact that cognitive loss could potentially have on their futures. So, we are advocates for lifelong learning, especially if doing so can protect you against both elder abuse and cognitive decline.

These are not topics addressed in the book – but both are important subject matters and you will never be at a loss for articles to read on both topics. What is addressed in Refire! Don’t Retire is the need to keep yourself intellectually stimulated.

If you’re familiar with the movie “Poltergeist,” are you finding yourself being sucked into your T.V. like Carol Anne? We’re not saying that television is bad but if you’re going to watch a lot of it, it’s important to balance it with both mindless and mindful programming. However, have you reached a point where it is time to pull yourself out of the T.V. and back to participating in mentally stimulating activities?

Here are two challenges to get you started on re-firing intellectually:

CHALLENGE ONE: Ask yourself when the last time was you read a book, worked a puzzle or crossword puzzle, or learned anything. If you can’t remember when – then it’s been too long. If the memory foam in your recliner hasn’t had a chance to forget you, it’s time to let it miss you. Go to the library, hang out in a bookstore, enroll in a class, or sit at your kitchen table and work a puzzle.

CHALLENGE TWO: Get out of your comfort zone and learn something that isn’t easy; a new language or technology. It must be something that is mentally challenging to you. “Scientists have found that challenging the brain with new activities helps to build new brain cells and strengthen connections between them. This helps to give the brain more ‘reserve’ or ‘back up’ so that it can cope better and keep working properly if any brain cells are damaged or die.”

You can start re-firing intellectually right away! Don’t let your brain take a break just because you’ve retired!

For Part I, click HERE.

For Part II, click HERE.

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Published for the blog on October 24, 2019 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.