10 Tips for Elders to Prevent Abuse

Elders who are able can protect themselves. Share these tips with elders in your life so they might become active participants in watching out for themselves.

  1. Simply be aware you are at risk of being exploited by strangers and by those closest to you.
  2. Do not become reclusive. Stay involved with family and friends, and remain as active as you can.
  3. If you are approached by anyone trying to sell you something, always say no; you should never purchase or give anything to anyone who calls or visits unannounced.
  4. Do not buy products or services from a company you are not familiar with, and always ask and wait for printed material about offers or charities.
  5. Do not ever feel pressured into making a quick decision about a purchase, donation, or any other transaction, and do not provide any credit card or account information.
  6. Shred all receipts on which your credit card number appears.
  7. Be cautious with your mail. Do not let mail sit in your mailbox for several days.
  8. Check your credit report regularly to look for anything unusual or incorrect.
  9. Use direct deposit to ensure checks go straight to your accounts.
  10. Never provide credit card, banking, Social Security, Medicare, or other personal information over the phone unless you are the one who initiated the call and you have confirmed to whom you are speaking.

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Published for the blog on May 29, 2018 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.