Book Review: Refire! Don’t Retire, Part I, Series Intro

By Brenda Carrico

Refire, Don’t Retire: Getting Started

Does the word retire conjure up an image in your head of someone being put out to pasture or of someone slowly melting into a recliner never to be heard from again? If so, let’s join the movement to redefine the word and end the stereotypes surrounding what being a retiree truly means. The individuals on this crusade are writing blogs, books and creating groups to change how retirees are viewed by society and by themselves.

If you’re ready to embark upon this endeavor, we recommend you start by reading a book called “Refire! Don’t Retire: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life” by Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz. The book takes you on a journey of emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual renewal. We would like to take you on that same journey through this blog series and become a part of your “Re-firing Gang.”

Did that single dream of golfing every day not end up being all that you hoped it would? Along with reading this book, we want to guide you through the rediscovery of old, or finding new, hobbies and activities to keep you active and vibrant.

Have you found yourself apathetic about life due to an injury, loss of a loved one or some other set back? We hope you will let us support you in finding joy and passion for life again.

If you’re newly retired and haven’t encountered boredom or indifference yet, we want to assist you in curtailing the monotony and also help you move forward after difficult life transitions.

Check back for the blog series outlining ideas and exercises that closely follow the chapters in the book and we hope you’ll also read Refire! Don’t Retire for additional inspiration.

Below is the Code of Conduct from the book. Bookmark this page or put the checklist in a place where you will see it every day to provide you with tips for continued self-discovery, exploration and evolution.

Refire Dont Retire

You can read the first section in this series, Refiring Emotionally, HERE.

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Published for the blog on October 1, 2019 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.