Searcy Financial Services: Your Kansas City & Overland Park Fee-Only, NAPFA Advisors

NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor Overland Park: Searcy Financial Services

The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is the country’s leading professional association of Fee-Only financial advisors – highly trained professionals who are committed to working in the best interest of those they serve. After completing the vetting process, Searcy Financial Services is proud to announce that we have been accepted as a member by The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors and are now nationally recognized as a Fee-Only firm.


NAPFA defines a Fee-Only financial planner as “one who is compensated solely by the client with neither the advisor nor any related party receiving compensation that is contingent on the purchase or sale of a financial product.” As the financial industry continues to evolve, it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish advisors who have taken the fiduciary oath to put their clients best interest first at all times vs. those who sell products and receive commissions that are only held to a standard of doing what it “suitable” for clients. By joining NAPFA, we give our clients another level of confidence that our services are delivered solely in their best interests and we increase our opportunity to help shape the financial landscape and the transparency of the entire financial planning profession for investors in the future.

To read about Searcy Financial Services’ journey to becoming a fee-only financial planning firm, visit: Conversion to Exclusive Fee-Only Financial Advisor Services

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Published for the blog on March 8, 2016 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager.